
Friday, 23 December 2016

Prophetic Vault : The 120- years end time generation 1897 -2017

Before I share with you my understanding of the end generation, I need to explain something that few understand in the body of Christ, even among the Charismatics who emphasize “the spirituals” – the gifts of the Spirit. Much of what is preached and taught in today’s Churches is nothing more than the letter of the Word and not the Spirit. The Holy Spirit alone gives the revelation (the spiritual understanding) of the Word of God. Scholarship is not Holy Spirit revelation. Men of great intellect and scholarschip write and teach on many subjects about the Bible, but that does not mean it is the revelation of the Word.
Commentaries abound on what men believe the Bible says, yet when compared to the literal grammatical interpretation fail the test of proper hermeneutics (interpretation). Moreover, hermeneutics that does not depend upon the Holy Spirit for revelation is nothing but man’s opinion. The Word of God was given to men by God to write it down in “books”. That is called “inspiration.” Notice that it came from God to man, not from man to man. This is always the order of interpretation. Peter said the Word of God is not the private interpretation of man, meaning that the Word of God did not originate from man no matter how great an intellect he may be (II Peter 1:20-21).
Second, it is not enough to believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures apart from Holy Spirit revelation. Unless the Holy Spirit imparts the revelation or understanding, it is nothing but a dead letter. This is the meaning of Paul’s comments in I Corinthians 2:10-16, and in another place, Paul sarcastically asked the Corinthians if the Word of God originated from them (I Corinthians 14:36).
Holy Spirit revelation is a lost doctrine in the body of Christ today and is replaced largely by intellectual scholarship. Sadly, the saints do not know the difference. Likewise, “emotional” preaching and teaching (The make me feel good motivation teaching) has supplanted revelation and many saints are following these highly paid speakers. Truth is not founded upon either an intellectual or emotional presentation of the Word of God that often alters it to make it more acceptable to the hearers, but upon God’s original intent, which is to make us more holy and righteous in our character and conduct. The saints develop a holy walk by conviction and repentance of sin sometimes accompanied by chastening, even severe chastening. The milk toast make me feel good message coming from pulpits and seminairs today do not challenge the saints to live holy and godly lives in a godless world.
In addition, not understanding Holy Spirit revelation, many saints do not live by “rhema faith.” What do I mean by rhema faith? The Greek word “rhema,” which is the word used in Romans 10:17 and Ephesians 6:17 for the “Word of God” means “personalized revelation,” that is, what God is saying through His Word today from the written Word to our reborn spirits. Without rhema there is no real faith! Most Christians live by logos faith. Logos is the written Word of God – the letter of the Word. Until the Holy Spirit breathes upon the written Word and imparts the knowledge and understanding to our spirits, we are living by the letter of the Word and not by revelation faith.
How does rhema work and this is something that most do not understand including so-called Bible scholars? The Lord may speak from an Old or New Testament Scripture, which the original meaning and purpose was for a different time and to a different people [direct revelation] yet give an application for the present time.

The following is the word I was given about the 120-year generation and notice that it is not a shallow expose, but a detailed analysis with at least 6 proofs of witnesses. Am I implying that it is going to happen exactly as I say? While I believe the 120-year end time generation is correct and true to the Scripturesthe dates could be off a few years because the calendars have been altered over many millenniums. In addition, God operates on the sacred calendar, not the secular calendar we use today.
How long is a biblical generation? Does the Bible offer any insight for determining the lenght of a generation? I think there are several clues which give us a key in determining the duration of the END TIME GENERATION.
First, the Greek word for generation is “Genea” connected with “Ginomai” which means to become; primarly signifying a begetting or BIRTH; or race of people possessing similar charateristics, pursuits, etc. Therefore, one definition of generation is that it refers to a particular people with their characteristic lineage and identifying traits, which distinguish them from all other races of people.
When the Lord Jesus used the word Generation in Matthew 24:34, He was referring to the Jewish people identified by their particular religion and culture symbolized by the Fig Tree. Notice in Vine’s definition of generation, he says it signifies a BEGETTING OR BIRTH. In the context of Matthew 24, The Lord Jesus is not speaking of an individual’s birth, but the birth of a nation – a nation of people having the same characteristics, traits, and pursuits and that have a kinship with the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem unlike any other race of people on the earth.
In addition when the Lord Jesus said THIS GENERATION, He was speaking of a certain time period as distinguished from alle others before it. The Lord used the same stipulation in reference to the Hebrew people who came out of Egyptian bondage and their wilderness experience in Psalm 95:10 “Forty years long was I grieved with THIS GENERATION…”
The generation of Israel that experienced the exodus from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the receiving of the Law on Mount Sinai, and all the miraculous events of that period, no other generation would again experience. It was a definite time determined by God and would be the foundation for succeeding generations of Israel.
The same can be said of the generation when Israel returns to the land in the latter days. It is a specific period that will usher in the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” to the Jewish people and tribulation to the Gentile world. The Lord Jesus said it would be a time unlike any generation before or after it. This generation has a beginning and an ending. We know the beginning, but how long is it and when does it end?

1897 -2017 = 120 years (Gen. 6:8).
100 = bondage 
The Bible mentions several different periods that define a complete generation. The first is 100 YEARS . When God gave the covenant to Abraham in Genesis 15:13,16, He told him that his seed (the Hebrew people) would be in bondage in Egypte for 400 years, but in the 4th generation, they would come out. That makes a generation approximately 100 years.
40 = testing 
A second period of determining a biblical generation is 40 YEARS. When God led Israel out of Egypt, He intended that they enter the promise land and conquer the Canaanites, but instead of obeying Him, they sent 10 spies to survey the land who reported that the inhabitants were too strong for them to conquer. Because of disobeying God, they were required to spend 40 years in the wildernis (a year for a day that the ten spies spied out the land). As a result, God said He was grieved with this generation forty years (Psalm 95:10).
In Deuteronony 2:14, God said that He waited until all the men of war died before He brought Israel out of the wildernis. According to the Torah (The Law), an Israeli male could not go to war until he was 20 years of age (Numbers 1:3). Therefor, when all the men of war had either been killed or died by the age of 60 (a 40 year period), God brought Israel out of the wilderness into the Promised Land. In doing this, God defined the generation of the men of war to be a period of 40 years, e.g., an Israeli man could not go to war pass the age of 60.
When God destroyed the world in the flood judgment of Noah’s day, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights upon the earth. Moses was on the mountain of God (Mount Sinai) for 40 days when he received the 10 Commandments. Elijah fasted for 40 days when Jezebel was pursuing him. Jesus was led away by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil for 40 days representing a complete period of testing. The number 40 seems to be associated with a period for JUDGMENT AND TESTING, both for an individual and a nation.
70 = Prophecy Complete
The third time period for determining the lenght of a biblical generation is 70 YEARS. Israel was in the Babylonian captivity for 70 years – a number associated with COMPLETING PROPHECY. In Daniel 9:24, Daniel is given the “Vision of the 70 Weeks of Years” where on week (Heptad in Hebrew) represents 7 years for a total of 490 years. God said that from the beginning of a decree to restore and rebuild the city of Jerusalem, 70 Weeks of Years would be determined upon the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem to complete alle vision and prophecy (This is an important key). When this period is finished, Israel’s punishment for disobedience will end and Messiah will come to establish His Kingdom and redeem the remnant.
Psalm 90:10 says that the days of a man ‘s natural life are 70 years, and if by strenght, they may be 80 years. Therefore, the generation of man is 70 natural years.
God can certainly lengthen man’s life even beyond 80 years and has promised to give His people long life if they obey His Word and honor their father and mother. However, the natural life span of mankind is normally a period of 70 years. This seems to be the guideline for a complete generation of man.
50 =  Jubilee-Release of Debt
There is another period that is significant in relation to God’s dealings with the people of Israel, and that is 50 YEARS. Every 50th year in Israel was the “Year of Jubilee” when all the land was to be restored to the original owner; all debts were to be cancelled; and all slaves were set free. It was the year of release and deliverance – a time for celebration and joy when families were reunited and given a fresh lease on life.
In addition, the 50 is associated with the “Feast of Pentecost” (meaning 50th day). Fifty days from the 16th of the month of Abib (March – April) was the Feast of Pentecost occuring in the month May – June depending upon the position of the new moon (Hebrew months in ancient Israel were based on a lunar calendar) and the barley and wheat harvest. It is interesting that the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai and the coming of the Holy Spirit both occured on the day of the Feast of Pentcost. God’s number in action is three, e.g., He does things in a series of three’s to get our attention. THEREFORE, A THIRD ACTION OF GOD MAY TAKE PLACE IN THE THIRD SACRED MONTH!
According to Bullinger’s book, “Numbers in Scripter”, the number 50 is also associated with judgment. The flood was upon the earth for 150 days (50×3).
In summary, a Biblical generation is sometimes 40 years, 50 years, 70 years, and 100 years. 40 years seems to be a period for complete testing; 50 years is a period of release and deliverance; 70 years is a period when prophecy is completed; and 100 years appears to be the longest period for God dealing with Israel. It is also noteworthy that in 1917 the British issued “The Balfour Declaration”, which was the first official act to allow the Jew the right to resettle in their homeland.
Since it is clear from Scripture that God’s end time clock is associated with the nation Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 36 and 37 and Daniel 9), then the years 19171948 and 1967 are highly significant in calculating the end time generation. The question is, when did the end generation begin – in 1917 the first official act by a Gentile nation to give Israel legal right to the holy land; 1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation after 2500 years of exile; and in 1967 when they recaptured Jerusalem and declared it to be the eternal undivided capital of the State Israel? We must keep in mind that the last 7 years of Daniel’s 70th Week are part of the end generation, which ends Gentile domination of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.
Let’s apply the 4 time periods discussed above for each of the three possible dates for beginning of the last generation – 1917, 1947/8, and 1967 and see if we can glean any insight into the lenght of the end time generation:
  1. THE BALFOUR DECLARATION IN 1917. (First Official Act to Give the Jew the right of return to the land). 1917 + 40 year generation = 1957. This scenario will not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the Second Coming to occur. 1917 + 50 year generation = 1967. This scenario won’t work for the same reasons. 1917 + 70 year generation = 1987. This scenario won’t work also for the same reasons.1917 + 100 year generation = 2017. This scenario is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in  2017 and the second coming in 2038
  2. 1947/8 REBIRTH OF ISRAEL AS A NATION 1948 + 40 year generation = 1988. That does not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the Second Coming to occur. 1948 + 50 year generation = 1998. Also doesn’t work for the same reasons.
  3. 1947/8 + 70 year generation=2017/8. This scenario is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in 2017/8 and the Second Coming in 2038.
    1948 + 100 year generation = 2048. This scenario is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in 2027.
  4. 1967 RECAPTURED OF JERUSALEM1967 + 50 year generation = 2017. This is a possibility  with the tribulation beginning in 2017 and the second coming in 2038.
    1967 + 70 year generation = 2037. This is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in 2016 and the Second Coming in 2037.
    1967 + 100 year generation = 2067. This is a possibilty with the tribulation beginning in 2046 and the Second Coming in 2067.
From these calculations, we have the earliest period for the completion of the END GENERATION in 2017/18 and the longest period ending in 2067. There are three time sequences from the above that are rather interesting. Look at the time periods marked by the asterisk. Using the birth day of the nation Israel in 1947/8, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, notice that the 50 for Jubilee – Release, the 70 for prophecy complete, and the 100 associated with the right of the Jew to return to their homeland all begin at approximately the same time period – 2017/8 with the tribulation.
In addition, from our earlier discussion of the meaning of the Greek word for generation (Genea) having to do with the ‘birth or begetting’ of the nation of Israel, it seems logical that the END GENERATION IS FOR A PERIOD OF 100 YEARS from start to finish, e.g. 100 years is the longest period for a biblical generation.
The number 70 is especially associated with Israel’s  bondagecaptivitiesexilesreturn and completion off all vision and prophecy. Notice the numbers 50, 70, and 100 fit into the same period. I do not think this is a coincidence.
If this is the true prophetic scenario, then I believe Daniel’s long awaited 70 th Week will occur within threedecade. With what is happening in our world today, I cannot see things continuing until 2067 without world goverment/religion appearing on the scene headed by the Antichrist and the False Prophet, especially when the apostasy is already under way in the world. By the year 2067, I strongly believe the Lord Jesus will have been back on earth for some time ruling from His throne in Jerusalem. I could be wrong, but it is an interesting scenario, especially when the Bible says two or three witnesses confirm a thing.
Pastors and ministers should have discerend since 1917 when Israel was given the legal right to return to the land in the second phase of prophetic fulfillment that this was the pre-condition to fulfill Ezekiel 36 and 37 plus many other prophecies dealing with the return. This significant date in the history of the world marked a ‘turning point’ in God’s prophetic timetable, namely that the latter of the last days and/or the last generation to which the Lord Jesus would return had begun.
A generation that has a starting point also has an ending point. I believe all the numbers in scripture that identify a specific generation and/or important events predict the end time  generation. Let me explain:
The numbers 100 ,70, 50, and 40 all have to do with prophecy fulfilled or a significant period of time to which we need to pay close attention:
Israel was in the Egyptian captivity for 400 years (some manuscript say 430) or 4 generations 0f 100 years each.
Israel was in the Babylonian captivity for 70 years. Daniel speaks of a period of 70 Weeks of Years or 490 years (70×7) as spritual punishment for Israel’s sins. 469 years  have been fulfilled.
The Jubilee Year was 50 years in which the land and people were released – delivered and set free. It is a pivotal year in the history of Israel.
The number 40 is a period of complete testing for a nation and a individual.
Taken together, I believe they mean the following:
In 1917 The Balfour declaration was issued giving the Jews legal right to return and settle their land. 100 years from 1917 is 2017.
In 1947/8 Israel became a nation after 2500 years of exile. 70 years from 1948 is 2017/8.
In 1967 Israel captured and controlled the city of Jerusalem for the first time since the Babylonian captivity. 50 years from 1967 is 2017 speaking of  liberation for Jerusalem by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ back to earth.
40 years from 1977-78 is 2017-18.
According to Jewish history and culture, an adult male is considered mature at age 30. This is also the required age for priesthood under the Levitical system. Consider that the Lord Jesus said in Mattheus 24:32 that when  the Fig Tree has budded (birth) and spreads forth its leaves (maturity) that generation will not pass until all prophecy is complete. Israel became a nation in 1948 and reached maturity in 1977-78 (remember the Israeli Civil Years begins in September not January). By the time the Fig Tree generation has completed a full generation, the tribulation is over and Jesus has returned.
Menachin Begin became Prime Minister of Israel in 1977 and in 1978 signed the Camp David Peace Accords with Egytian President Anwar Sadat brokered by Jimmy Carter. The Camp David peace accords incited the Arab world against Sadat who was assassinated. The Camp David Peace Accords also greatly angered Yasser Arafat, leader of the PLO, he started in 1987-1993 the first and in 2000-2004 the second ‘Intifada’s’ (an uprising and shaking off of the Zionist infidels).
I believe according to what the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 24 about the birth and maturity of the nation Israel, and subsequent historical events affecting the nation that the final period of  “testing” for tha nation began when they reached maturity in 1977-78. In the Torah, the Lord said He tested Israel in the wilderness for 40 years. It should be noted that the final period of testing for the world also began in 1977-78.
The amazing thing about the above is that each period ends in “2017-2018” the period I believe begins with the last three weeks of seven years and ends the last generation with the Second Coming of Christ. Now in case you think that I stuck  the numbers in to make them fit my scenario, here is the explanation:
The first use of the number for a generation is 100 and is found in the book of the beginnings – Genesis 15:13,16. In that passage, God told Abraham that the Israelites would serve Egypte for 400 years and come out in the 4th generation. The “Law of Beginnings” or “first mention” applies here, meaning that a first mention of a principle or action of God becomes the starting point for further revelation. Therefore, in Genesis, the book of beginnings, we have the first mention of the lenght for a biblical generation – 100 years.
The Balfour declaration issued in 1917 was the “first offical act” to allow the Jews to return to the land of Israel. Therefore, we apply 100 years (The first mention of a time period for a generation) to the first mention or first legal act allowing the Jews to return to the land of Israel.
Having already used the number 100 as the beginning number for a complete biblical generation, we cannot use it again. The next number we use is 70 because 70 is the number that also represents a period of captivity and the first number to be used in relation to Israel’s beginning years of captivity after entering the promised land and becoming an independent theocratic monarchy with a king and a priesthood. The Law of First mention or first beginnings applies here also.
The number 70, unlike the number 100, is associated with Israel’s “nation-state” – both physical and spiritual captivities. Therefore, we must apply the number 70 to Israel’s return to the land and re-birth as a nation in 1947/8 plus 70 years is 2017-18.
Now that we have already used the numbers 1oo and 70, we cannot use them again for to do so would be forcing something to fit a preferred scenario.
The next significant date on Israel’s prophetic timetable (Actually God’s) is 1967. In that year, Israel liberated Jerusalem from Arab control and it became the undivided capital of the state of Israel.
What biblical number is associated with “liberation?” The numer 50 or the Year of Jubilee. Daniel 9:24-27 speaks of the prophecy to consummate God’s prophetic timetable for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Israel and the city of Jerusalem will be liberated when Messiah Jesus returns to earth at the battle of Armageddon. 50 years 1967 is 2017-18. This will be the starting-point of the last three weeks of 3 x 7 years!
That leaves only one number left, the number 40. We have already shown that it is associated with testing to determine the condition of the heart – whether one will obey God or not. Israel reached maturity in 1977-78 as predicted by Jesus in Matthew 24:32 and entered into the final years of testing. 40 years from 1977-78 is 2017-18.
Since the Word says a thing is confirmed by two or three witnesses [II Cor. 13:1], I rest my case that based on the revelation of the Word and the numbers in the Bible for a generation to be fulfilled within God’s specific purposes, the present generation in which we live could end in about 2017-18, and from there the last three weeks of 3 x 7 years begins and ends in 2038-39 with the Second Coming of Christ Jesus.
We just do not have that much time left. God is winding things down on planet earth and we happen to be the people of the end generation; consider it a privilege, not a burden!
With what was happen with the recent terrorist attacks, it seems that ‘the burden of Damascus’ (Isaiah 17:1-11) and ‘the Gog Magog War’ (Ezekiel 38-39) is right around the corner, and I believe this are some major world events yet to occur before the final three weeks of 3 x 7 years begin!
The war of Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 seems to imply nuclear war and pre-dates the the tribulation. Three sevens, therefore, remain for the future, and these are dealt with in the book of the Revelation: the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven vials. Therefore I believe it will take place soon, perhaps within the next 5 years.
I also believe we are living in the period of God’s final grace period before the world enters the judgement of the tribulation. Make no mistake about it; September 11, 2001 was a final warning from God; and there was the financial crisis in 2008 September 29, on the eve of Rosh Hasjana were the Dow Jones was losing -777.68 points. He that has ears to hear let Him hear what God is saying through these “signs” in the heavens and on earth.
During the month of May 2002, I was studying the Lord’s Olivet Discourse as recorded in Matthew 24 and when I came to verses 36 and 37, the Holy Spirit stopped me and said, “Here is the key to the end time – meditate upon it.” Now those of you that may understand what I mean by the Holy Spirit speaking to me in this manner, read the book of Acts and you will  find the apostlesl and the early Church had a close intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit – were on speaking terms with Him. Here are a few examples:
  • Acts 5:32
    “And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.”
  • Acts 8:39-40
    “And when they came up out the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; … But Philip found himself at Azotus … “
  • Acts 9:31
    “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up; and going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase.”
  • Acts 11:27-28
    “Now at this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus stood up and began to indicate by the Spirit that there would certainly be a great famine all over the world. And this took place in the reign of Claudius.”
  • Acts 13:2-4
    “While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they send them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cypus.”
While we are not to pray to the Holy Spirit, we can certainly talk with Him if we are born-again because He lives inside of us and is intimate with our “new born spirit man.” We are also reminded of what Paul said in Romans 8:9b, “But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.”
Anyway, this is were I am coming from as I have learned to recognize the Holy Spritit’s small voice when He speaks to my spirit.
Obeying the Holy Spirit, I stopped and meditated on Matthew 24:36-37, which I had read hundreds of times, but on this particular morning the Holy Spirit helped me to understand what the Lord Jesus meant when He said:
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, [nor the Son is not in the original Greek], but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.” 
Do you see it? Notice what the Lord Jesus says; when He returns to earth it will be JUST LIKE the days of Noah and then He describes what those days were like – “They were eating and drinking, and marrying and giving in marriage…,” but that is not all that encompasses the days of Noah. In the context of Matthew 24, verses 36 and 37 help identify the duration of the end [time-last] generation – the one that will experience the tribulation of the last three weeks and the return of the Lord Jesus.
In order to better understand what the Lord Jesus meant, we should read the Genesis account of the flood, particularly the days prior and what God said about it. Remember we are interested in knowing what the Lord Jesus meant when He said, The last generation on earth will be JUST LIKE the days of Noah.”
In Genesis 6, God told Noah something very interesting when He said, “My Spririt shall not always strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be 120 years.”
What did God mean when He said, “Man’s days shall be 120 years?” Commentaries vary of the meaning on that phase. Some say it means that Noah preached for 120 years before the flood judgement came upon the earth. Some say it means that man’s lifespan is 120 years. Probably the first interpretation is the correct one because we know from Psalm 90 that man’s natural lifespan is seventy years or if by strength eighty.
In God’s eyes, man lives out a complete generation in seventy years. However, we know today that some people live beyond seventy years, but very few live to one hundred, and hardly anyone lives to be a hundred and twenty. Therefore, in the context of Genesis 6, I believe God was telling Noah that the last generation from Adam to Noah (the 10th generation from Adam) to the very day that the flood judgement fell upon the earth was exactly 120 years – no longer and no shorter” (See: Genesis 7:11-13).
Since we are to interpret the chapters and books of the Bible in the context of the whole Bible, then when the Lord Jesus said the generation of the Fig Tree would be JUST LIKE the days of Noah, I believe He was telling us that the end generation like Noah’s day would for a period of 120 years (There is evidence that it may be shorten by a few months, possible 7 months and 10 days – see Matthew 24:22 and Daniel 8:13-14).
In my previous revelation of the end generation, I assumed it began in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration, but the HolySpirit gave me understanding that it actually began in 1897, the year of the FIRST ZIONIST CONGRESS HELD IN BASIL SWITZERLAND BY THEODOR HERTZL, and the first official act to prepare the way for the Jews to return to their homeland. Thus we see once again the “The Law of First Things” in operation. This was the first budding of the Fig Treenot 1917, which was the second budding.
Now let’s apply the 120-Year Generation to the same scenario as we did for the other times, and when we do, we have a fifth evidence for the end generation ending in 2017-18:
1897 + 40 year generation = 1937. This scenario does not work because the time has passed for the final three weeks of 3 x 7 years of Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
1897 + 50 year generation = 1947. This scenario does not work for the same reason as the 40-year generation.
1897 + 70 year generation = 1967. This scenario does not work for the same reason as the 40 and 50 year generation. However, it is interesting that in 1967 Jerusalem came back under Jewish control for the first time since the Babylonian captivity. The number 70 is definitely connected to the city of Jerusalem according  to Daniel 9:24-27.
1897 + 100 year generation = 1997. This scenario does not work for the same reason as the 40, 50, and 70 generation.
1897 + 120 year generation = 2017 0r 2018 (The Hebrew Civil Year begins in September and the Sacred Year begins in March. Therefore, the biblical numbers having to do with a complete generation pertaining to testing, release or deliverance, captivity and judgement.
1977-78 (The Year Israel reached maturity) + 40 years [testing]=2017/18.
1967 (The year Jerusalem was retaken by Israel) + 50 years [jubilee/deliverance] = 2017.
1947/8 (The year Israel was reborn as a nation) + 70 years [captivity prophecy fulfilled] = 2017/8.
1917 (the year the Balfour Declaration was issued) + 100 years [captivity] = 2017.
1897 (The year of the first Zionist Congress) + 120 years [judgement] = 2017.
After I had written the addendum in May 2002, I received a news alert from Bill Koenig of Koenig International News on November 11, 2002 concerning the pending war with Iraq. “Bill said that his friend John Mc Ternan, who co-authored the book, “Israel: The Blessing or the Curse,” had told him he thought the United States was mentioned in Isaiah 13 as one of the nations that would destroy Iraq. Out of curiosity, Bill said that he called Yacov Rambsel, the world’s premier Bible Code expert, who does his extensive research with paper, pencil, a calculator, and the original Hebrew Masoretic Bible, to see if he would do some research of Isaiah 13. Below are the results of his findings:”
“Equidistant Letter Sequence codes Explained: The codes found in the original Hebrew Masoretic Bible are called ‘ELS’ codes with stands for Equidistant Letter Sequence. In Yacov’s study, an ELS interval of + 16 produced the Hebrew word for ‘war’ every 16th letter to the right, starting with the first letter of the code, which is ‘w’ in the 16 letter intervals. For example, the code began with the letter ‘w’ and proceeded right to the 16th letter, which was the letter ‘a’ an then proceeded another 16 letters to the right to the letter ‘r’ forming the Hebrew word for ‘war.’ This word pattern repeated itself again and again. The Hebrew word for Egyptian-9 (See 15 below) means that eight nine-letter intervals to the left produced the word Egyptian. The word pattern then repeated itself again and again.
Here are the codes Yacoov Ramsel found in Isaiah 13:2-6 (First the Scripture, then the codes):
Isaiah 13:2-6 (Judgement on Babylon)
2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.
3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.
4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of host mustereth the host of the battle.
5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.
6 Howl ye.
The codes:
1.War + 16; 2. Shall be a house of bitternes + 16; 3. A rapid atom=16; 4. Babylon atom + 16; 5. The blasphemers – 102; 6. The day of woe – 102; 7. The Megiddo – 102; 8. the Babylonians shamed – 68; 9. From the house of tribulation + 20; 10. The end of days – 37; 11. The speedy tribulation + 60; 12. Judge the Roman + 18; 13. Syrians + 86; 14. Shameful Arabia + 23; 15. Egyptian – 9; 16. Libanon – 105; 17. Gog + 17; 18. Magog – 19; 19. Shall be Pur for Persia – 19; 20. Great prophetic knowledge of space + 49; 21. Messiah + 49; 22. People of life – 60; 23. Son of the Father + 60; 24. The President the Son of War (the maker of war) + 320; 25. GW Bush + 316; 26. Islam – 23; 27. Hamas – 23; 28. Allah + 23; 29. The Arabs – 23; 30. Philistines (Palestinians) – 188; 31. Holocaust + 70; 32 Yeshua + 120; 33. He will return +120; 34. Savior =18; 35. All creation + 17.
Look at the code sequence 32 and 33; both have do with Yeshua (Jesus) and His return. Notice that they are assiociated with the equidistant number sequencing of + 120! Is this a coincidence or does Yacov Ramsel’s codes reveal what my research/revelation has found – that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth at the end of a 120- YEAR generation, which possibility began in 1897 and ends in 2017the year of the beginning of the final three weeks of 3 x 7 years of tribulation!
This may be a sixth proof that the end time generation is in fact a period of 120 years JUST LIKE the last generation of Noah’s day that ended with the flood. If this is in fact a revelation of God, then we have only a few years before the tribulation comes upon the unsusppecting world.
For those who think that we are not supposed to know anything definitive about the end time, particularly as it relates to Israel, the Gog Magog war, the tribulation, the Second Coming, by misinterpreting Matthew 24:36 “No one can know the day or the our of the Lord’s return, not even the Lord Himself,…is playing right into the hands of the devil who has put fear and guilt in the heart of any saint who diligently searches out the deep things of the God.
Amos 3:7 Will God do anything unless He reveals it to His servants the prophets?” Please notice that He did not say just anybody, but His faithful prophets – the watchmen on the wall (Isaiah 62:1-7).
It took 1500 hundred years for the gospel to reach the New World and then another 400 years plus for Israel to be reborn as a nation in the Holy Land. In addition, Jerusalem did not come back under Israeli control until 1967! The Bible tells us clearly about the ‘Gog-Magog’ war in Ezekiel 38 and 39 that the LATTER DAYS did not began until Israel returned to the land from where they had been exile for 2500 years.
In addition, the apostle Paul rips the doctrine of imminency (rapture) to shreds in II Thessalonian 2:2 where he says, “let no one in any way  DECEIVE YOU, for it (The Day of the Lord, which occurs immediately after the tribulation has ended [Matthew 24:29-31] will not come UNLESS THE APOSTASY COMES FIRST AND THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS IS REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION (Antichrist).”
This proves the Day of the Lord (II Thessalonians 2:1) cannot occur before the world-wide rebellion that rejects the truth – that the Lord Jesus is the only true God and way of salvation and the appearing of the Antichrist who claims deity for himself at the mid-point of the last week of the three weeks of 3 x 7 years of tribulation! While the world is rapidly moving towards the final apostacy, the Antichrist has not yet appeared and no Jewish temple has been built in Jerusalem. Paul told the Thessalonians not to believe a so-called “doctrine of imminecy” that the Day of the Lord was at hand or imminent. If you want more proof that the doctrine of imminency is a farce, then look at verse 2 of II Thessalonians 2 “That you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message if from us to the effect that the Day of the lord has come.” The Greek word for ‘has come’ means imminent.
Again, Paul was denying the doctrine of imminecy by saying the Day of the Lord would not be imminent until the Antichrist appeared and the Mark of the Beast forced upon the world.
by Allen Barber Ph.D Biblical Studies

THE SEVENTY WEEKS (by Charles H. Welch – Berean Expositor, London)
‘Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city’ (Dan.9:24).
If we understand the word ‘week’ to mean seven days, we have a period of a little more than one year and four months to consider, and of this a smaller period is occupied in building and restoring Jerusalem – certainly a short time for such an operation. When, however, Daniel wishes to make us understand literal weeks, each of seven days, he adds the word ‘days’:
‘ I Daniel was mourning three full weeks’ (literally, weeks of days) (Dan.10:2).
‘Till three whole weeks were fulfilled’ (literally, weeks of days) (Dan.10.3).
To make the matter certain, the angelic visitor declares that on the first day of Daniel’s fasting his words had been heard and the angel sent, but that for ‘one and twenty days’ he had been withstood. This carefulness on Daniel’s  part is one argument in favour of the vieuw that ordinary weeks of days are not intended in Daniel 9. A further argument is that Daniel had been occupied with prophecies that dealt with a period of seventy years, and the angelic announcement of the sevent weeks seems but an expansion.
Another argument in favour of the years’ interpretation is provided by the scriptural treatment of the last week. It will be observed that this of the seventy weeks is divided into two parts:
‘He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease’ (Dan.9:27).
Now Daniel refers more than once to a peculair period at the time of the end:
‘Let seven times pass over him’ (Dan.4:16).
‘A time and times and the dividing of time’ (Dan.7:25).
‘A time, times, and an half’ (Dan.12:7).
A consultation of the margin of Daniel 11:13 will show that ‘times’ may be synonymous with ‘years’. If that is so, then a time, times and a half  may be a prophetic and cryptic way of describing three-and-a-half years. This being just half the seven year period which meets exactly the requirements of Daniel 9:27.
We have, however, clearer evidence in the book of the Revelation:
‘A time, and times, and half a time’ (Rev.12:14).
This is the period during which the woman is nourished in the wilderness. In Revelation 12:6 we read:
‘They should feed her there 1.260 days’.
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that 1.260 days, and a time, times, and a  half, are periods of the same duration.
There is evidence in Scripture of the recognition of a year of 360 days. For example, it is computed that between the seventeenth day of the second month, and the seventeenth day of the sevent month is 150 days (Gen.7 and 8), a computation which supposes a month of thirty days. Dividing 1260 by 30 we have 42 months, or three-and-a-half years. Now Scripture speaks of a period of 42 months, and places it in such proximity to that of 1.260 days as to remove all doubt as to the length of the prophetic year:
‘The holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months’ (Rev.11:2).
‘My two witnesses shall prophesy 1.260 days’ (Rev.11:3).
Revelation 13 speaks of the time when the fourth beast of Daniel 8 shall be in power; and if Daniel 9 speaks of the same power and period, we may expect to find here some confirmation:
‘He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (a period of 7 years): and in the midst of the week (after a period of 3 & half years, 42 months, or 1.260 days) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease’ (Dan.9:27).
‘And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months’ (Rev.13:5).
That the Hebrew language can refer to ‘Sabbaths of years’ is shown in Leviticus 25:8, where a period of 49 years is also called ‘seven sabbaths of years, seven times seven years’.
These things furnish sufficient proof that the final week of Daniel 9 is a period of seven years. And if the last week be a week of years, it follows that the seventy weeks are also weeks of years, so that the seventy weeks ‘determined’ represent a period of 490 years.
When does the period of 490 years commence?
After revealing to Daniel a prophetic period 0f 490 years marked off on the divine calendar, the angel proceeds to divide the number of years up in a rather stange way. We first learn that during the 490 years the following events are to be fulfilled:
‘To finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting rightenous … and to anoint the most Holy’ (Dan.9:24).
The angel next proceeds to give further light upon this time by saying that the period from the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of Messiah the Prince will be weeks and 62 weeks, and that after the 62 weeks have elapsed the Messiah will be cut off. (We found it useful when speaking of ‘Lo-ammi’ periods to use a simple illustration to make the matter clearer. It may be of service to use the same method here). Suppose that a motorist is being directed to a certain destination and that, instead of being told that his goal is 69 miles away, he is told that it is 7 miles and 62 miles away. If after that somewhat cryptic statement, a remark is added about some feature in the road that marks a junction, the obvious thing for the motorist to do would be to travel the first seven miles and then look out for some change. If at the end of 7 miles of rather bad country lane the car emerged into a new, well-made road with continued fore the remaining 62 miles, he would realize the reason for dividing the distance. Moreover, if he had been told that at the end of 62 miles he would come to a cross, he would look for it at the end of 62 miles of new road, for so the direction had indicated.
Now it must be obvious that when the angel speaks of 7 weeks as distinct from 62 weeks, he has some special reason for it. The angel also speaks of the building of the wall and the street of jerusalem as an event related to the time periods with which his message deals. (The Companion Bible, in Appendix 58, gives the history of Nehemia and Ezra. It is much too long to quote here, but we give two extracts to prove our point. We must leave our readers to test the matter futher by consulting that appendix for them selves).
  • 455 B.C.  – Neh.1:1 to 2:8 -Hanani’s report in the month Chisleu leads to the ‘going forth of the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem’  (Dan.9:25).
  • 454 B.C.  – By Artaxerxer in ths twentieth year.
  • 407 B.C.  -Nehemia obtains leave of absence (Neh.13:6, and returns to be present at,…
  • 405 B.C.  – The dedication of the Temple. This ends the ‘seven sevens’ from  the going forth of the commandment in 454 B.C.
This, then is the first space covered, the building of the wall corresponding tot the seven miles of the bad road in the illustration. We now arrive at the most important feature of our discussion, and one that we have seen canvassed in no other work on Daniel. It follows from the logical application of the ‘Lo-ammi principle. The question is wether or not the 490 years, set apart from the achievement of God’s purpose in Israel, begin at the going forth of the proclamation to rebuild Jerusalem. To this question expositors give an affirmative answer, but the ‘Lo-ammi’ principle demands a negative one. We read in Nehemia:
‘The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire’ (Neh.1:3).
Do these expression describe Jerusalem as in favour or in desolation? There is only one answer. Nehemia saw in these events the fulfilment of the curse threatened by law and prophets:
‘If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations’ (Neh.1:8).
Daniel also uses terms that imply ‘Lo-ammi’ conditions. Jerusalem is ‘desolate’ (Dan.9:2); Israel are ‘driven’ (verse 7); the curse is poured upon them (verse 11); the visitation upon Jerusalem is unprecedented (verse 12). And in verse 16 there is anger and fury and reproach.
The seventy-sevens cannot commence until Jerusalem is rebuilt and the curse is removed; this makes clear the reason for the division of the years into seven sevens and sixty-two sevens. The seven sevens or 49 years represent the time occupied in the rebuilding of the wall and street of Jerusalem by Nehemia in the time of trouble, and the period ends at the dedication of the Temple (Ezra 6:16-18).
To revert to our illustration, the period covered by the building of the wall up to the dedication of the Temple corresponds with the first 7 miles of  country road. At the dedication of the Temple at the end of the seven sevens the ‘Lo-ammi’ period ends; the new high road is reached. It is then a distance of 62 miles to the Cross; or, leaving the illustration, an unbroken period of 62 sevens to the time of ‘the Messiah the Prince’. Those whoinclude the 49 years of rebuilding, include a period when Israel was ‘Lo-ammi’, and they have no alternative to excluding from their reckoning the whole period of the Acts of the Apostles. But it is quite certain that Israel were not set aside as a people until Acts 28 (Acts 28:23-29), so that the period of the Acts must be included. Our interpretation has required only 62 sevens; so that there is still scope remaining. From A.D. 30 to A.D. 64, the usual dates now given for the Crucifixion and Acts 28, respectively, is a period of 35 years; this accounts for 5 sevens. Three sevens, therefore, remain for the future, and these are dealt with in the book of the Revelation: seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials. The final ‘seven’ is concerned with the beast, the false prophet, antichrist and Babylon, as we read in Daniel 9.
Had Jesus told the Church not to watch all the signs that warn of the closeness of His return, He would have contradicted most of the prophecies of the Old Testament and made the Scriptures unreliable and untrustworthy. Believe what you may about the end time, but  the Bible that I read tells me to “discern the signs of the times” and that by doing so, I can know much about the end generation, even when the last generation began and how long it will last!
However, knowing that, we still not know the very hour and day of the Lord’s return (Our limitation is only the precise 24-hour day of His return, not the generation) because it will be juxtaposed between Armageddon and the Millenial kingdom. What we do know is that He returns immediately after the tribulation has ended (Matthew 24:29-30). The Greek word for immediately can mean “soon” not the very next minute or day!
Please take your Bible and look at every reference pertaining to the “thief in the night” (I Thessalonian 5:1-3;Matthew 24:43) and you will see clearly that the Lord Jesus comes as a thief in the night to the unbelieving world, not to the Church because we will watching all the signs predicting the nearness of His return and we will be ready like the five wise virgins who had oil in their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom at midnight.
‘The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come’ (Joel 2:31). (There will be a total solar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse before the great and terrible day of the Lord).
‘But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are alle the children of light, and the childrern of the day: we are not of the night, nor in darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.’ (I Thessalonian 5:1-6).
‘Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the streets shall be built again, and the wall, even in troubles of times.’ (Daniel 9:25).
7 x 7 = 49 years = 7 weeks  of years leading up to a Jubilee year.
June 7th 1967 Jerusalem was restored to Israel and began to be built up in trouble times!
49 prophetic years x 360 days = 17.640 days.
So let’s count from June 7 th 1967 forward, to the day 17.640 days and see where it takes us?
Puts you on September 23 th 2015 which is YOM KIPPUR! (Leviticus 25:8-10).
The book [scroll] will be opened along Mozaische legislation!
The Sealed Book (Revelation 5:1-14).
In Revelation 5:2, we see that ‘a strong angel’ proclaims with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?’ No one was found in the whole universe ‘in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth’ who was worthy. The apostle must have realize the great importance of the scroll which was held in the hand of Him who sat on the throne, for one of the elders said to him, ‘Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof’ (Revelation 5:5). When John looked to the throne once again, in order to see the prevaling Lion, he beheld, ‘and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts (living ones), and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain.’ The elder says the LION, but John sees a LAMB (Revelation 5:6).
Having described the throne, the living ones, and the elders, and having recorded the utterances of these heavenly beings, the apostel recalls our attention to the throne, and what is taking place there.
The right hand of the glorious occupant of the throne held a scroll that had been written inside, and on the back, and which had been sealed with seven seals. What is the meaning of this sealed book? The answer is found by observing what happens when the seals are broken and the scroll unrolled. Chapter 6 describes the opening of six of the seals, and it will be seen that the sixth seal takes us to the day of judgement (Revelation 6:12-17), ‘the great day of His wrath is come’.
The opening of the seventh seal introduces the seven trumpets, and at the beginning of the seventh trumpet ‘the mystery of  God shall be finished’ (10:7). When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, the following words are heard, ‘The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever (unto the ages of ages)’ (11:15). This is linked with the theme of the seventh seal by the words of verse 18, ‘Thy wrath is come’. It is also the time for the judgement of the dead, the apportioning of rewards, and the destruction of those who destroy the earth. This is none other than ‘the REVELATION of the Lord Jesus Christ’, for the wrath is the wrath of the Lamb, the King who reigns is Christ, and all the judgement is commited into the hands of the Son.
Three sevens of weeks of 3 x 7 years therefore, remain for the future and these are dealt with in the book of Revelation, seven sealsseven trumpets, and seven vials (62+5=67 total 70) with the starting-point in …

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