
Wednesday 14 September 2016

CONSPIRACY THEORY: All new born babies in Europe to be Microchipped by December 2016

Social media feeds and email inboxes are currently being hit by a supposed news report that claims that all babies born within the European Union will be implanted with a sub

The current story is just an updated version of an earlier report that claimed that newborn babies were to be microchipped from May 2014.

Supposedly, public clinics in Europe are being alerted about the new requirements and a "report sheet" for each microchipped baby will be provided.

But, of course, the claims in the messages are utter nonsense. The reports are pure fiction with not even the most tenuous connection to the truth. Babies in Europe - or anywhere else in the world - are not set to receive mandatory microchipping

cutaneous RFID chip beginning in December 2016. The report claims that the implanted chips will contain GPS technology that allows a direct connection to other devices such as cell phones and tablets.

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