
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Mark of the Beast : 666 All Americans to be Micro Chipped by 2017 (Conspiracy Theory)

 Many people are still unaware that Revelations 13:15-18  is being played out right before us.There is a news circulating on Facebook that claim ObamaCare (original introduced as H.R 3590) requires all American citizens to be implanted with a RFID microchip which will contain information of its carrier as well as GPS tracking capabilities. Other older variants also quote H.R. 3200 and H.R 4872. Later versions assert these chips are to be implanted into a citizens hand. Most versions state this is to be completed by March 23rd 2013.

The news claimed further, that the messages are nothing more than silly, baseless, unfounded conspiracy theory nonsense.Saying none of the above mentioned bills require US citizens to be implanted with RFID chips at all. And that the above bills neither assert, imply, mention or even hint that implanting US citizens with tracking devices is ever going to become a reality. The news claimed that these  rumors are completely false.

 What should we then believe? Have you ever thought about it. (1) Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be? Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? (2) Why is it being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you wont be able to buy or sell without the mark. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. Many are unaware that the end is near.

Please, don't tell me that its conspiracy theory or advancement in technology or development. This is just fulfilling the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST!

Are you still doubting the END TIME? GET READY! The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us, and many are still unaware.

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