
Thursday, 8 September 2016

Surely The End has Begun: First Gay Wedding Ceremony Perfomed by Joe Biden

The Vice President of the United States of America, was very proud to marry Brian and Joe at his house. He Tweeted and posted pictures of the couple and saying he ' Couldn't be happier, two longtime White House staffers, two great guys'.

Biden reportedly obtained a license from the District of Columbia before officiating the service for Brian Mosteller, the director of Oval Office operations, and Joe Mahshie, a trip coordinator for Michelle Obama.

This wedding ceremony performed August 2 2016, was the first to be performed by the Vice President, thereby fulfilling Bible Prophecy in Romans 1:27 (KJV)                   “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”

Biden announced his support for redefining marriage in May 2012, before Barack Obama officially changed his position on the issue, adding that the TV show 'Will and Grace' had done “more to educate the American public” about homosexuality than anything else.

“The situation involving Vice President Biden and his marrying of two homosexuals gives further evidence of the decay that is occurring within the Catholic Church in America,” Judie Brown of the American Life League told Life Site News. “Had the bishops, years ago, enforced church law and made it clear to Mr. Biden, among others, that public defiance of church teaching would result in denial of the reception of Holy Eucharist until such time as the Catholic in question repents of his sins of defiance, we would not today be hearing of outrages such as that exhibited by Biden.”

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